Framework - Community Guidelines

Last updated: 25 October 2022




Framework is the world's first on-demand business school where Founders and Startups at different stages in their business journey can connect, learn and grow without fear of harassment, prejudice or discrimination. To ensure that the Framework community remains a safe space, we enforce the following Community Guidelines, and by joining this community, you agree to adhere to these rules or face removal from the community.



The ideal Framework community member

As a valued member of Framework, you pledge to act and interact in the following ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

  1. Framework members are respectful of others' views and experiences and recognise that these may be different to their own, even if they disagree with them.
  2. Framework members use polite, friendly and considerate language when interacting with each other.
  3. Framework members share content, start conversations, and ask questions that will be helpful to the community.
  4. Framework members help each other by providing constructive feedback to their questions and support each others' wins.
  5. Framework members accept responsibility and apologise to those affected if they make a mistake, and commit to learning from the experience.



Maintaining a safe space

We are dedicated to ensuring the Framework community feels safe and positive for all of our members, and provides a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender and gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). As such the following behaviours won't be tolerated in Framework online or in-person spaces. Anyone who violates these Community Guidelines may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of Framework.

  1. Framework members will not engage in harassment, hate speech or discrimination.
  2. Framework members will not create or share sexual or violent content or communications.
  3. Framework members will not make public, private information, conversations or interactions which occur within Framework spaces, without the express permission of those concerned.
  4. Framework members will not share harmful or malicious links or software.
  5. Framework members will not engage in other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.



Harassment examples

Harrassment, hate speech and discrimination includes:

  • Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person's lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
  • Deliberate misgendering or use of 'dead' or rejected names.
  • Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour in spaces where they're not appropriate.
  • Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual descriptions like "hug" or "backrub") without consent or after a request to stop.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
  • Deliberate intimidation.
  • Stalking or following.
  • Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes.
  • Sustained disruption of discussion.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others.
  • Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
  • Deliberate "outing" of any aspect of a person's identity without their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse.
  • Publication of non-harassing private communication.